Caique Photos
White-bellied Caique Babies - 10, 12 & 15 days old
White-bellied Caique Babies - 13 & 16 days old

White-bellied Caique Babies - 17 & 18 days old
Notice the plump toes and wing tips, a sign
of a healthy, well hydrated chick.
White-belly Caique Babies - 18, 20 & 23 days old

White Bellied Caiques - 5-6 weeks old
White-bellied Caiques - 9-10 weeks old
Note the varying head color - the dark headed
baby in the rear is a pure White-belly and
will lose the dark feathering when he molts

White-bellied Caiques - adult coloration
Black-headed Caique Chick - 33 days old

Black-headed Caiques - about 5 weeks old
Notice the different colored eyerings,
some are light, others dark
Black-headed Caiques - about 7 weeks old
Same two chicks

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